
Thursday, 11 May 2017

What is PPC - Pay Per Click


Pay per Click also written as PPC. It is an internet marketing model where the advertisers use the publisher’s website to market their products or services through ads. The publisher gets paid by the particular advertisers when a user clicks on their ads. It is a pull-type internet marketing of buying user visits to a site.

Large no of people using internet. Internet is providing large option. It is also provide platform for advertising products and services online.

Advertisers around the world have shown a keen interest in making good use of the Internet that is omnipresent these days to market various products and speed up their business activities by reaching out to numerous users.

What is Visual Aids


Visual Aids are any pictures, objects, art facts, flipcharts, transparencies or projections that you might show to your audience during the course of your talk. It is advised to consider using some kind of visual aid as part of your presentation if it is going to take more than 5 minutes. While it is thought that effective speaking does not require visual aids, a few well-placed they can add a significant amount of clarity and impact. More importantly they can also help your audience stay focussed and have great retention of information. But thinking that flashy visuals can save an otherwise poorly structured and delivered speech. You have to start with a well-developed speech before visual aids can have any major effect.

What is Digital Signature


Digital signatures allow us to verify the author, date and time of signatures, authenticate the message contents. It is a process that guarantees that the contents of a message have not been altered in transit.

Digital signatures help to authenticate the sources of messages. For example, if a bank’s branch office sends a message to central office, requesting for change in balance of an account. If the central office could not authenticate that message is sent from an authorized source, acting of such request could be a grave mistake.

Search Engine Details and Components


Search Engine refers to a huge database of internet resources such as web pages, newsgroups, programs, images etc. It helps to locate information on World Wide Web.

User can search for any information by passing query in form of keywords or phrase. It then searches for relevant information in its database and return to the user.

Details and Features of C LANGUAGE


The C programming language is a structure oriented programming language, general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.

C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Laboratory, and used to re-implement the Unix operating system. It has since become one of the most widely used programming languages of all time, with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems. C has been standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) since 1989 (see ANSI C) and subsequently by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

What is Java


Today Java is a commonly used foundation for developing and delivering content on the Web. According to Oracle, there are more than 9 million Java developers worldwide and more than 3 billion mobile phones run Java. Java initially name oak was developed by the team headed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems, USA in 1991.

The first and foremost reason behind the development of Java was the need for a platform – independent and portable software to be embedded in the consumers electronic devices like remote controls, microwave ovens etc.

What is Data Mining


Data mining refer to computer-assisted tools and techniques for shifting through and analysing these vast data stores in order to find trends, patterns and correlations that can guide decision making and increase understanding. It is also known as knowledge discovery. It covers a variety of uses from analysing customer purchases to discovering galaxies.

How To Protect Your Computer From Cyber Crimes


Cyber-crimes refer to illegal activities that committed through the use of a computer and the Internet.

There are various forms of cyber-crime like Spamming i.e. unwanted product advertisements, illegal reproduction and distribution of software applications, games, movies and audio CDs, Hacking, Phishing, Spoofing etc.



ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE refers to applications designed to detect and remove viruses from computer systems. Antivirus software is a computer program that is used to protect our computer system against unwanted virus attacks. It scans computer memory and mass storage to identify, isolate and eliminate viruses.



Do not open any e-mail attachment that you think may have a computer virus. Your antivirus software may not be able to clean the virus received.

Avoid booting the computer with a floppy. If it is required to boot from a Floppy, use a floppy that is virus free and write protected.



There are thousands of viruses and several are discovered everyday. They have variations in the way they infect or the way they spread.

Some common categories of the viruses are:

Boot Sector Viruses
Boot sector viruses affect the hard disk.



Virus stands for VITAL INFORMATION RESOURCES UNDER SIEZE. A computer virus is an intrusive program. The virus affects computer files and folders Computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. It modifies other computer program by inserting a copy of itself inside them. When the program is loaded, the copies of the virus are executed to infect still other files.

What is Database Management System

Database Management System

A database is an organized as structured set of related data. It helps you to organize related information in a logical manner for easy access and retrieval. Even in your daily life, you maintain a database like, your personal address dairy in which you records addresses and telephone numbers of your friends and relatives. A school maintains the records of its students, staff, fees, salary, etc.



There are seven database components in Microsoft access.


Tables are the fundamental data building blocks. All the data is stored in tables. A table stores data in a row and column format. Every table deals with one subject at a time.

Creating a Query in MS Access

Creating a query in MS Access

Queries are extracts which are created and saved for future use. You can create a query by taking the steps as follows:

1. Click on Query Wizard option in other group on Create TAB. New Query window will come on the screen.



Autosum feature is used for quickly summing the data values stored in a row or column. This feature can be used by clicking Auto sum button presented in the formula tab.

The steps to use Autosum features are:

Step 1: click the formula tab.

2: select Autosum button.

Step 3: press the enter key after selecting the correct range to get the sum of values in the result cell.


In the spread sheet, it is easy to maintain data as the sheet is divided into rows and columns. Data when entered in the sheet may not be arranged in an order. However, you can arrange it either in describing or ascending order is called sorting.

To sort the data on the basis of alphabetical order, follow the steps:

Step 1: creates the worksheet and select the cells.

For example: A2:F8.

Step 2: click ont the data.

Step 3: on the sort and filter group, click sort A to Z to sort in ascending or sort Z to A to sort in descending order.


Filtering shows the data you wish to see while temporarily hiding the rest. By defining different filters, you can compare data in multiple ways. Thus, filter can be defined as a facility in Excel that allows a user to filter items in a list according to set criteria.

To filter the data, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: click a cell in the range you want to filter.

Step 2: click on data tab.

3: On the sort and filter group, select filter option.

Step 4: click on the arrow on the column heading, for example Roll No.

Step 5: A list opens with all the values selected by default. Choose the value you want, for example 10, and click on Ok button.


Conditional formatting refers to the features which apply formatting to cells that meets certain conditions.

To apply conditional formatting follows the steps given below:

Step 1: select the cells within the range. For example D1: D8.

Step 2: click on the home tab and select conditional formatting from styles group.

Step 3: select the required option from the drop down list to specify condition. For example, highlight cells rules – text that contain. A dialog box appears.

Step 4: Type the name. For example, Delhi.

Step 5: click OK button.

How To Add Fields To Tables in MS Access


After creating a database, if you want to add some more fields in the database table, you can adding fields by the following steps:

1. Click on HOME tab.

2. Click on View group.

3. Select Design View by clicking on it

4. Now, add the new field in the last. If you want to add the new field between previous fields then place the mouse pointer there and right click. Then, click on Insert Rows option.

5. Close the table from design view and open the table again in datasheet view.

Now, new fields which you have added will be shown on the screen.

How To Create a Blank Database in MS Access


You can create a blank database by the following method:

Step1: open Microsoft office access. Microsoft access window will appear.

Step2: click on blank database option under new blank database.

Step 3: click on browse folder at the right side of the pane.

File new database window will appear.

Step 4: select drive, where you want to create your new database.

5: click on new folder option on the command bar.

6: To open the folder, double click on it.

Step 7: Enter the file name in file name option and click on OK.

Step 8: now, click on create button on the getting started with Microsoft office access page. As a result, anew dialog box will appear.

The window for the database will appear on the screen.


When you create a database, you store your data in tables. You can create a contacts table to store a list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers, or a products table to store information about products.

To create a table, follow these steps:

1. Click on datasheet tab.

2. On the ribbon click on view group. A menu will appear, click on design view. In the design view, you can name your feeds, assign data type for each field, and format your fields.

3. A save as window will appear. Enter the name in the table name box and click on OK.Table1 will be created.

4. Place the cursor in the second box beneath fieldname.

5. Type first name and press enter key on the keyboard.

6. Like above, click in the next box beneath first name and type last name and press enter key on the keyboard.

7. You can also type other information, e.g. city, address, phone number, etc.



A report is the final output taken on the basis of the existing database in the database management system or relational database management system. Reports play very important role. Queries are used to generate the reports which work on a database available in the tables.

You can design a report by taking the following steps:

1. Click on create tab.

2. Then click on report wizard in reports groups.

Designing a Report in ms excel

3. Select a table/query on which you want to base your report. Then select the fields to display and click on Next button.

4. The report wizard will appear on the screen. In this wizard, select the fields which you want to put in the report.

5. Click on next button. Now, another wizard will come on the screen.

6. The screen appears what sort order do you want for your records? Set the order of records for sorting and click on next button.

7. The screen will appear with a message, how would you like to lay out your report? Select layout and orientation for printing and then click on next button. In portrait orientation, the width of page is less than height but in landscape, the width is greater than height. clip_image012

8. Respond to the table, what style would you like? By selecting the style for printing as a flow, foundry, median, metro, module, etc. and then click on next button.

9. Enter a title for your report in the given box and select the option preview the report and then click on finish button.



Microsoft provides another powerful and easy to use tool, which allows you to present the data entered into the worksheet in a pictorial form called CHARTS. Charts are more attractive and appealing than the simple presentation of data. It is the same saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’.


CHART is an effective way to display data in pictorial form. Charts make it easier to draw comparison and see growth, draw relationship among the values and trends in data. Charts provide more accurate analysis of information. On inserting charts, the data is displayed in a special window called Datasheet.

A chart could be used for:

The monthly budget of a family.
The monthly sales of a company.
The comparative performance of the students of a class.
The rainfall trends in the last four years.
The yearly expense of a family.
The comparative revenues of financial years.

Chart title is the title or name of the charts that appears at the top of the chart which tell the user what the chart is all about.

The chart area includes all the area and objects in the charts.

It is also known as Category Axis. It is the horizontal axis of the chart on which each category is represented with a mark on it.

It is also known as value Axis. It is the vertical axis of the chart along which the value of each data point is plotted.

Data Series
The set of many data entries which come from the same row or column in a worksheet are called Data series.

Plot Area

It is rectangular area bounded by the two axes. The x-axis and y-axis define the two sides of the rectangular plot area. The base area (the XY plane) in a 3-D chart is known as the Floor and the vertical areas (the YZ and XZ planes) are known as the walls.

Therefore, in a 3-D chart, the two walls and floor make up the plot area.

The parallel lines along the X-axis and Y-axis in the plot area which makes it easier to identity the value of each data point on the chart are called Gridlines.

Legends depict the colors, patterns or symbol assigned to the data series. A Legend you to assign colors to different data series.

Axis Title:
It is the title given to an axis. A 2-D graph has two axis(x and y) and a 3-d one has three(x, y and z).

Wednesday, 10 May 2017



This option provides the facility of checking the ms word spellings and rectifying the incorrect spellings of a document. To check spellings, you may follow the steps listed below:

1. Select text whose spellings are to be changes.

2. In proofing group on review tab, click on spelling and grammar option through mouse.

Microsoft word starts the action of checking spelling, and whenever it finds an incorrect word which does not match with the word in its dictionary, it shows the suggestions:

3. Along with the incorrect words, Microsoft word also shows some similar words in the suggestion box. Select the correct word from that list and click on change button by mouse.


If the correct spelling of the word is not shown in the list, you can change it by typing the correct word yourself.


If the word shown as incorrect is a name or any other word which does not appear in the dictionary but you believe it to be correct, then click on Ignore button to check the spelling of the rest of the document. After completing the sell check, a dialog box appears as shown below:

4. Now, click on button through mouse to terminate the operation of spell check.

Use of Thesaurus

Using Thesaurus, you can change a word with any of its synonyms. Thus, you can prevent repetition of a single word in a document and can add beauty to the language. The following procedure enables you to use Thesaurus:

I. Select the word which is to be changed by using Thesaurus.

II. In proofing group on Review tab, click on Thesaurus option through mouse.

III. On the screen, a list of all the words which can be used in place of the selected word is shown. Select any one word from this and click on Insert option through the mouse.



After creating a complete document in MS word, you may want to take its printout on paper. For this, the steps to be followed are:

1. Press ctrl+p on the keyboard or click on print icon in the Microsoft Office button with the help of mouse.

2. Make the required settings according to your requirement.

3. Click on OK button through mouse.

Now, the document starts printing on paper.


While typing any text matter in a document, you may sometimes require changing the font of a word or character quickly and you can increase or decrease the font size for which you may use the following procedure:

1. Select the text whose font is to be changes.

2. Click on the down arrow to the right of Font type box. A list will appear. Now, choose and click on the font type as you required.

3. Click on the down arrow the the right of the font sixe box. A list will appear. Now, choose and click on the font size.



All the operating system supports copy ,cut and paste command. This is the basic and common command of computer.You can use this command through keyboard and mouse both.
Windows has a features called windows clipboard.clipboard use to store information in memory for temporarily and retrieve information from it in future.

Copy,cut and paste function perform through clipboard . For storing data in memory clipboard is used i.e. process of placing data into clipboard is termed as copying or cutting.And the process of retrieving that data from that clipboard is termed as pasting.
Paste is essential command for copy and cut.user can use copy or cut command and for dragging paste command is used.paste method place data from one location to another.Data is stored in clipboard till user does not paste it.without pasting if computer is restart or shutdown then clipboard loose its stored data i.e. data is erased.Hence, clipboard refer as volatile in nature.
Copy is just like the carbon copy process.clipboard store the data after user copy the data from desired location or file.copy provide clipboard the same data as stored in the file and also the data keep stored in file too.It is mainly use to keep the same file at different location.

Cut is the method of removing but it does not mean to destroy.cut is same as copy method but after cutting process desired location does not hold the data.After cutting method the file lost it data and clipboard store the data and through paste method we can store this data according to our desired location.cut is mainly used to remove duplicacy of data.

Method To perform copy,cut and paste

Before copy or cut process the desire file must be highlighted. file can be text,audio,video etc. User can cut or copy the multiple file by highlight multiple file.

Copy Method
oMouse: Right click on the highlighted file and choose COPY option.
oKeyboard: After highlighted the text ,press control and C button together(ctrl + C).
oEdit: click on edit and then click on COPY option.

Cut Method
oMouse: : Right click on the highlighted file and choose CUT option.
oKeyboard: After highlighted the text ,press control and X button together(ctrl + X).
oEdit: click on edit and then click on CUT option.

Paste Method
oMouse: : Right click on the highlighted file and choose PASTE option.
oKeyboard: After highlighted the text ,press control and V button together(ctrl + V).
oEdit: click on edit and then click on PASTE option.



Word processing is a package which facilitates text entry, storage manipulation and printing memos, letters, internal reports and product documentation. They are also interfaced with DBMS and spread sheets.

A word processor is a computer application used for the production including composition, editing, formatting and possibly printing of any sort of printable material. Word processing was one of the earliest applications for the personal computer in office productivity. Microsoft word is the most widely used computer word processing system.

Functions of word processing:

File format exchange
These features allow the conversion of word perfect to a word star document, word star document to window word document and so on.

Footnote placement
This feature allows the user a build a footnote file at the same time he or she is writing a document. The program then places the footnotes at appropriate page bottoms when the document is printed.

Index creation
Using this features, out can create an index for your document that incudes page numbers for words or phrases that can be easily looked up.

Mail Merge
Most word processing program allow the user to combine parts of different documents to make the production of form letters much easier, faster and less tedious than doing the same thing using a typewriter. For example, you can combine address files with a letter file that contains thing using a typewriter. For ex- you can combine address with a letter file that contains special codes where the address information is supposed to be. The program will insert the different addresses in copies of the letter and print them out.

Some packages automatically outline the document for you. You can use the outline as a table of contents.

Spilt screen
These features allow you to work on two documents at once. one at the top of the screen and one at the bottom. You can scroll each document independently and move and copy text between the documents.

These programs allow the user topic word substitutions. Example- if you are writing a letter and want to use a more exciting word than impressive, you can activate your thesaurus program and ask for alternatives to that word such as awe-inspiring or thrilling.

Types of Websites


Four types of websites:

Internet Forums

Internet Forums
An internet forum is message board where people can hold conversation by posting messages.

A forum can contain several sub forums. Each of sub forums may contain a number of topics. Within a forum’s topic, each new discussion started is called a thread. This thread can be replied by as many people as so wish.

The term Blog is taken from web log. It is a kind of web site that is updated regularly, with content about almost anything. In other words, blog is content Management System (CMS), an easy way of publishing articles on the internet.

A person who writes for a blog refers as blogger. Writing for blogs is referred as blogging.

Here, write what you know about. For example, if you have good computer knowledge. You can write what you know about the subject. You can share your experience. You can also write what you gained from that experience, what you learned. Detail your personal research. Share your memory of someone.

E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce is a methodology of modern business which addresses the need of business organizations, vendors and customers to reduce cost and improve the quality of goods and services while increasing the speed of delivery. E-commerce refers to paperless exchange of business information using following ways.

Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
Electronic Mail (e-mail)
Electronic Bulletin Boards
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
Other Network-based technologies

Non-cash payment
24×7 service availability
Advertising / marketing
improved sales

Online portfolio is collection of images, multimedia, emails, blog entries, and hyperlinks that are managed online. It can be seen as a kind of learning record that provides actual evidence of achievement.


There are three types of online portfolio:

Developmentalportfolio contains all the things that an individual has done over a period of time.g. working
Reflectiveportfolio contains personal reflection on the content.g. learning
Representationalonline portfolio refers to learner’s achievement in a particular work.g. showcase



Intranet is very efficient and reliable network system for any organization. It is beneficial in every aspect such as collaboration, cost-effectiveness, security, productivity and much more. It is defined as private network of computers within an organization with its own server and firewall.


Intranets is system in which multiple PCs are networked to be connected to each other. PCs in intranet are not available to the world outside of the intranet.
Usually each company or organization has their own Intranet network and members/employees of that company can access the computers in their intranet.
Every computer in identified by a unique IP address.
Each computer in Intranet is also identified by a IP Address, which is unique among the computers in that Intranet.

Intranet offers easy and cheap communication within an organization. Employees can communicate using chat, e-mail or blogs.

Time Saving
Information shared in real time.

Information is distributed among the employees as according to requirement.

Platform Independency
Intranet can connect computers and other devices with different architecture.

Cost Effective
Employees can see the data and other documents using browser rather than printing them and distributing duplicate copies among the employees, which certainly decreases the cost.

Workforce Productivity
Data is available at every time. It accessed by company workstation. This helps the employees work faster.

Business Management
It is also possible to deploy applications that support business operations.

information accessed within an organization. Therefore there is almost no chance of being theft.

Specific Users
It targets only specific users within an organization therefore, once can exactly know whom he is interacting.

Immediate Updates
Any change provide information immediately to all the users.


Document publication applications
Document publication applications allow publishing documents such as manuals, software guide, employee profits etc without use of paper.

Electronic resources applications
It offers electronic resources such as software applications, templates and tools. shared across the network.

Interactive Communication applications
Like on internet, we have e-mail and chat like applications for Intranet, hence offering an interactive communication among employees.

Support for Internet Applications
It offers an environment to deploy and test applications before placing them on Internet.

Tips and Tricks about using the Internet

Tips and Tricks about using the Internet

1.Before surfing the net for a particular subject, one must do prepation. For this, you should write down possible keywords and URLs (website addresses) of the sites on a paper.

2.A good search engine should always be used.

3.When you surf on the internet, you have to pay for it. So, waiting of time on internet means wasting of money. When you search any websites, you may follow the links to other related sites and from there, follow the links to others and so on. It is wastage of time.

4.You should be focused on the subject, you are searching for. Do not jump to other links, simply, because they look interesting.

5.Most of the browsers provide the facility of offline browsing. It is a technique that saves your time and resources. By this technique, you can browse the web pages that you have on your own computer. For this, you will have to enable the offline option and after that offline technique is on. When you download sites, they are preserved on your computer’s cache and hard disk, they can be visited offline.

6.When you browse the web, your basic need is to download the files from the internet to your computer. This action is indicated by a progress bar. If you like, you can stop, restart or refresh it. Sometimes, downloading becomes slow because of the big size of files. So, you need to be patient.

7.After downloading a document from the internet, you should use the “find” options. Because once you have downloaded a document, the find button can quickly show particular things in which you are interested. So, in place of scrolling the document, the find option should be used.

8.To save money and time, it is better to use the internet in non-peak hours. Because during peak hours, there is a lot of traffic on the internet and that will consume more time in surfing. Thus, surfing in non-peak hours, will increase your internet access speed.

9.By following the above tips, you can save your money as well as time. It will also increase your efficiency and help you to easily find your websites.



E-mail is called Electronic Mail. It is a soft copy of your document that can travel through telephone lines and other devices and can reach any destination in the world. Communicating through e-mail is a time saving and money saving method should have the e-mail ID of the destination and to receive e-mail, you must give your own e-mail ID to the sender.

E-mail is also called Mail. Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson in1972.

You can create your e-mail ID on various servers. Gmail, Yahoo & Rediffmail are the most popular for e-mail services.

Suppose, you have an e-mail account and you want to login your e-mail account in Gmail, you can take the following steps:

1.Get connected to internet.

2.Type and press Enter.

3. Type your User Id and Password and click Login.


We know that e-mail is a very fast medium of communication. A person has to obtain an e-mail account first to receive or send mails.

There are many internet sites which provide free e-mail services. For example: Hotmail, yahoo mail, Gmail, India times, Rediff mail, etc. when you obtain an e-mail account you get a login name and a password.

When you open your e-mail account, there are various option buttons.


1.Inbox: Inbox is a place where you can see all your incoming mails. It shows you a date-wise list of your mails. In order to read any new mails, you simply have to click over it. When you click it opens up the message you have received.

2.Outbox: All the mails which you have sent to others persons are stored in outbox.

3.Composer: Composer is a utility which helps you to compose your mail. It has various text boxex, like

a)To: In this text box, you have to write the complete and correct e-mail address of the person to whom you want to send the mail.

b)Subject: In this textbox, write the subject matter of the letter. It should not be in brief. Two to three words should be use.

c)Cc: In this box, write the addresses to which you want to send a carbon copy of your mail.

d)Bcc: In this box, it refers to the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in such a way that conceals individual e-mail addresses from the complete list of recipients.

e)Message: Message box is a multiple line text box which is called a text area. Here write the message that you want to send. After writing the message, click on “send” button. Now your mail will be sent immediately to the desired destination.

4.Address book: Address book is a utility which helps you to store your friends e-mail addresses at one place.It is just like a diary where you store the person’s name and email address. It stores all the addresses of e-mail account and you can use, modify and maintain them whenever you want.

5.Delete: Allows deleting any message from the incoming mails.

6.Forward: Allows forwarding a copy of your received e-mail.

7.Reply: Allow to reply to receive message.



E-mails mainly includes two processes: sending and receiving. Both are important. User must follow some basic step for this process. Email can be send and receive by many modes like, computer, tablet, phones, etc. Here, we are discussing the process of sending and receiving through computer.

User must follow these rules for the sending and receiving the mail. These rules should follow stepwise.


After creating own e-mails account, you will definitely want to send e-mails to your relatives or friends who have e-mails accounts. To send an e-mail, you must know the e-mail ID of the destination.
For example, if you want to send e-mail to ‘’ then you have to take following steps:

1.Get connected to internet.

2.Reach to your e-mails service. For example, to connect Gmail mail type in address box and then press Enter key.

3.Now click on Gmail.

4.As a result, a window will appear. Now type your ID and password and then click on Sign in.

5.By clicking on new button, drop-down lists appears then choose E-mail Message.

6.Here you will see boxes where you have to type the e-mail ID (address) of the destination, subject and the message box. In the message box, you have to type the message which you want to send.

7.After writing the message, click on send button. Once our mail has reached its destination you will get a confirmation of the same.


Receiving an e-mails is very simple. The steps that you have to reach your e-mails service are the same as the sending process. Instead of clicking on new button, click on check mail. As a result, your e-mail box will appear on the screen.

Now you can click on any e-mails that you want to read. enjoy your self.



Extranet refers to network within an organization, using internet to connect to the outsiders in controlled manner. It helps to connect businesses with their customers and suppliers and therefore allows working in a collaborative manner.

Extranet is implemented as a Virtual Private Networks (VPN) because it uses internet to connect to corporate organization and there is always a threat to information security. VPN offers a secure network in public infrastructure (Internet).

Key Points

The packet is encapsulated at boundary of networks in IPSEC complaint routers.
It uses an encryption key to encapsulate packets and IP addresses as well.
The packet is decoded only by the IPSEC complaint routers or servers.
The message is sent over VPN via VPN Tunnel and this process is known as tunneling.
VPN uses Internet Protocol Security Architecture (IPSEC) Protocol to provide secure transactions by adding an additional security layer to TCP/IP protocol. This layer is created by encapsulating the IP packet to a new IP packet as shown in the following diagram:


Extranet proves to be a successful model for all kind of businesses whether small or big. Here are some of the advantages of extranet for employees, suppliers, business partners, and customers:


Where the extranet pages will be held i.e. who will host the extranet pages. In this context there are two choices:

Host it on your own server.
Host it with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the same way as web pages.
But hosting extranet pages on your own server requires high bandwidth internet connection which is very costly.

Additional firewall security is required if you host extranet pages on your own server which result in a complex security mechanism and increase work load.

Accessing Issues
Information can not be accessed without internet connection. However, information can be accessed in Intranet without internet connection.

Decreased Interaction
It decreases the face to face interaction in the business which results in lack of communication among customers, business partners and suppliers.



Networking is linking the various computers together. It provides the facility of sharing information and resources among all the computers on the same network.

Computer networking is one of the most essential ways of sharing information. The computers are all linked together, wirelessly, by connecting to the same network. This is a reliable way to share information within businesses and companies. It is a widely used practice in today’s world and provides multiple benefits to the people utilizing it.


By using network you can share your data among other computer users on the same network.

Suppose, your teacher is sitting far away from you and wants to give you the answer to your question, she can send it to your monitor screen with the help of network.

Advantages of networking

Resource sharing: The device like printer, modem and hard disk (on which data is stored centrally), can be equally shared by the users connected with the network. As resources are shared by all the users of organizations, it saves money.
Instant availability of information: The data and information are always available on the network so decision-making process becomes fast for the managers.
Sharing of ideas: ideas can be shared on the network as and when required to solve a problem among the users.
Quick message broadcasting: Messages are broadcast very quickly to all the users connected with network.
Confirmation of request: when a user passes a request on network he/she gets a suitable message on his/her node whether it is delivered successfully. If the request passes successfully to its destination then the network responds to the request, otherwise it gives a suitable message to the requester (user) to request again.
Increase in storage of the software: Since you are going to share files and resources to other people, you need to make sure that all the data and files are properly stored in the system. With computer networking you are assured that all the files would be stored properly depending on your saved file.


Security Difficulties:
Since there are already huge number of people who are using computer networking in sharing some of their files and resources, your security would be always at risk. There might be illegal activities that will occur that you need to be aware and be careful all the time.

Presence of Computer Viruses and Other Malwares:
There are instances that the stored file you have in your gadget is already destroyed because there are already viruses that corrupt your file. Hence you need to have regular check-up on your gadget at the same time to the stored files you have.

Lack of Independence:
Since computer networking is a process operated through computers, people are already relying more of the works of the computer rather than exerting an effort for their works.

Computer networking will always give you a fast and convenient way to share and transfer information to the people. However, people need to make sure that they are always aware of the consequences that this particular system would be giving them. They should not always rely on this system even if there are several advantages that this is bringing to prevent the presence of flaws and other malfunctions of the system.

Types Of Connection


There exist several ways to connect to the internet. Following are these connection types available:

Dial-up Connection
Cable TV Internet connections
Satellite Internet connections
Wireless Internet Connections

Dial-up connection uses telephone line to connect PC to the internet. It requires a modem to setup dial-up connection. This modem works as an interface between PC and the telephone line.

There is also a communication program that instructs the modem to make a call to specific number provided by an ISP.

Dial-up connection uses either of the following protocols:

Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
The following diagram shows the accessing internet using modem:



ISDN is acronym of Integrated Services Digital Network. It establishes the connection using the phone lines which carry digital signals instead of analog signals.

There are two techniques to deliver ISDN services:

Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
Primary Rate Interface (PRI)
Key points:

The BRI ISDN consists of three distinct channels on a single ISDN line: t1o 64kbps B (Bearer) channel and one 16kbps D (Delta or Data) channels.
The PRI ISDN consists of 23 B channels and one D channels with both have operating capacity of 64kbps individually making a total transmission rate of 1.54Mbps.
The following diagram shows accessing internet using ISDN connection:


DSL is acronym of Digital Subscriber Line. It is a form of broadband connection as it provides connection over ordinary telephone lines.

Following are the several versions of DSL technique available today:

Asymmetric DSL (ADSL)
Symmetric DSL (SDSL)
High bit-rate DSL (HDSL)
Rate adaptive DSL (RDSL)
Very high bit-rate DSL (VDSL)
All of the above mentioned technologies differ in their upload and download speed, bit transfer rate and level of service.

The following diagram shows that how we can connect to internet using DSL technology:


Cable TV Internet connection is provided through Cable TV lines. It uses coaxial cable which is capable of transferring data at much higher speed than common telephone line.

Key Points:

A cable modem is used to access this service, provided by the cable operator.
The Cable modem comprises of two connections: one for internet service and other for Cable TV signals.
Since Cable TV internet connections share a set amount of bandwidth with a group of customers, therefore, data transfer rate also depends on number of customers using the internet at the same time.
The following diagram shows that how internet is accessed using Cable TV connection:


Satellite Internet connection offers high speed connection to the internet. There are two types of satellite internet connection: one way connection or two way connection.

In one way connection, we can only download data but if we want to upload, we need a dialup access through ISP over telephone line.

In two way connection, we can download and upload the data by the satellite. It does not require any dialup connection.

The following diagram shows how internet is accessed using satellite internet connection:


Wireless Internet Connection makes use of radio frequency bands to connect to the internet and offers a very high speed. The wireless internet connection can be obtained by either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Key Points:

Wi Fi wireless technology is based on IEEE 802.11 standards which allow the electronic device to connect to the internet.
Bluetooth wireless technology makes use of short-wavelength radio waves and helps to create personal area network (PAN).



A VPN is a private network that uses a public network to connect remote sites or users together. Instead of using a dedicated, real-world connection such as leased line. Virtual uses “virtual” connections routed through the Internet from the company private network to the remote site or employees.

Two types of VPN:

Remote access
Site to site

Remote access: It is also called a virtul dial up network. It is a user to LAN connection used by a company that has employees who need to connect to the Private network firm various remote locations. A corporation that wishes to set up a large remote-access VPN will outsource to an enterprise service provider (ESP). The ESP sets up a network access server and provides the remote users with destop client software for their computer. The telecommuters can then dial a toll-free number to each as and use their VPN client software to access the corporate network.
Site to site VPN: Through the use of dedicatedequipment and large-scale encryption, a company can connect multiple fixed sites over a public network such as internet.
Site to site VPNs can be two types:


An intranet is a network inside an organization that uses Internet technologies such as web browser and servers, TCP/IP network protocol, html hypermedia document publishing and database and so on. It provides an internet like environment within the enterprise for information sharing, communication, collaboration, and the support of business processes.

An intranet is protected by security measures such as password, encryption and firewalls and can be accessed by authorized users through the Internet.

If a company has a one or more remote locations that they wish to join on a single private network. They can create an intranet VPN to connect LAN TO LAN.

Extranet are network links that use internet technologies to interconnect the intranet of a business with intranets of its customers, suppliers, and other business partner. Companies use EXTRANET direct private network links between themselves or create private secure internet links between them. It is also use the unsecured internet as the extranet link between its intranet and consumers and others but rely on encryption of sensitive data and its own firewall system to provide adequate security.

In a company has a Close relationship with another company like partner, suppliers, customers then they can build an extranet VPN that connects LAN To LAN, and that allows all of the various companies to work in a shared environment.




FILE Server: A file server is the simplest servers. It manages requests from client for files stored on the server’s local disk. It allows to access different files on internet.

Mail server: A mail server is the most efficient way to receive and store electronic mail messages for a community of users.

DNS server: Domain name server is an internet-wide distributed database system that documents and distributes network-specific information, such as the associated IP address for a host name and vice versa.

Gopher server: Gopher is an internet application that uses multiple gopher servers to locate images, applications and files stored on various servers on the internet. Gopher offers menu choice to prompt users for information that interests them and then establishes the necessary network connections to obtain the resource.

Web server: The World Wide Web (WWW) is a very popular internet source of information. Web browsers present information to the users in hypertext format.

FTP server: file transfer protocol is an internet –wide standard for distribution of files from one computer to another.

News server: UseNet news is a worldwide discussion system consisting of thousands of newsgroups organized into hierarchies by subject.

Chat server: some organisations choose to run a server that will allow multiple users to have “real-time” discussions called chats on the internet.

Caching server: A caching server is employed when you want to restrict your number of accesses to the internet. There are many reasons to consider doing this. Caching server sits between the client computer and the server that would normally fulfil a client’s request. Once the client request is sent, it is intercepted by the caching server.

Proxy server: A proxy server is designed to restrict access to information on the internet. A proxy server operates on a list of rules given to it by a system administrator.

Types of servers

Database servers

Database management system (DBMS) can be divided into three primary components: development tools, user interface and database engine. The database engine does all the selecting, sorting and updating.

Application servers

An application server is a server program that resides in the server (computer) and provides the business logic for the application program. The server can be a part of the network. The server program is program that provides its services to the client program that resides either in the same computer or on another computer through the network.

Applications server’s three types:

Web information servers: This type of server employs HTML templates and scripts to generate pages incorporating values from the database in them. These types of servers are stateless servers. Such servers include Netscape serve, HAHT, ALLAIRE, Sybase and silver stream.

Component servers: The main component of these servers is to provide database access and transactions processing services to software components including DLLs, CORBA and JavaBeans, They provide environment for server-side components. Then they provide access to database and other services to the component. These types of servers are stateless.

Active application server: This type of server supports and provided a rich environment for server-side logic expressed as objects, rules and components. These types of servers are most suitable for dealing with based e-commerce and decision processing.



TCP is a connection oriented protocol and offers end-to-end packet delivery. It acts as back bone for connection. It exhibits the following key features:

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) corresponds to the Transport Layer of OSI Model.
TCP is a reliable and connection oriented protocol.
TCP benefits:
Stream Data Transfer.
Efficient Flow Control
Full-duplex operation.
TCP offers connection oriented end-to-end packet delivery.
TCP ensures reliability by sequencing bytes with a forwarding acknowledgement number that indicates to the destination the next byte the source expect to receive.
It retransmits the bytes not acknowledged with in specified time period.
TCP Services


TCP offers following services to the processes at the application layer:

Stream Delivery Service
Sending and Receiving Buffers
Bytes and Segments
Full Duplex Service
Connection Oriented Service
Reliable Service


TCP protocol is stream oriented because it allows the sending process to send data as stream of bytes and the receiving process to obtain data as stream of bytes.


It may not be possible for sending and receiving process to produce and obtain data at same speed, therefore, TCP needs buffers for storage at sending and receiving ends.


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), at transport layer groups the bytes into a packet. This packet is called segment. Before transmission of these packets, these segments are encapsulated into an IP datagram.


Transmitting the data in duplex mode means flow of data in both the directions at the same time.


TCP offers connection oriented service in the following manner:

TCP of process-1 informs TCP of process – 2 and gets its approval.
TCP of process – 1 and TCP of process – 2 and exchange data in both the two directions.
After completing the data exchange, when buffers on both sides are empty, the two TCP’s destroy their buffers.
RELIABLE SERVICE For sake of reliability, TCP uses acknowledgement mechanism.



Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

TCP is a connection oriented protocol and offers end-to-end packet delivery. It acts as back bone for connection.It exhibits the following key features:

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) corresponds to the Transport Layer of OSI Model.
TCP is a reliable and connection oriented protocol.
TCP benefits:
Stream Data Transfer.
Efficient Flow Control
Full-duplex operation.
TCP offers connection oriented end-to-end packet delivery.
TCP ensures reliability by sequencing bytes with a forwarding acknowledgement number that indicates to the destination the next byte the source expect to receive.
It retransmits the bytes not acknowledged with in specified time period.
TCP Services

TCP offers following services to the processes at the application layer:

Stream Delivery Service
Sending and Receiving Buffers
Bytes and Segments
Full Duplex Service
Connection Oriented Service
Reliable Service
Internet Protocol (IP)

Internet Protocol is connectionless and unreliable protocol. It ensures no guarantee of successfully transmission of data.

In order to make it reliable, it must be paired with reliable protocol such as TCP at the transport layer.

The length of datagram is variable.
The Datagram is divided into two parts: headerand
The length of header is 20 to 60 bytes.
The header contains information for routing and delivery of the packet.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Like IP, UDP is connectionless and unreliable protocol. It doesn’t require making a connection with the host to exchange data. Since UDP is unreliable protocol, there is no mechanism for ensuring that data sent is received.

UDP is used by the application that typically transmit small amount of data at one time.
UDP provides protocol port used i.e. UDP message contains both source and destination port number, that makes it possible for UDP software at the destination to deliver the message to correct application program.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP is used to copy files from one host to another. FTP creates two processes such as Control Process and Data Transfer Process at both ends i.e. at client as well as at server.

FTP establishes two different connections: one is for data transfer and other is for control information.
Control connectionis made between control processes while Data Connection is made between<=”” b=”” style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>
FTP uses port 21for the control connection and Port 20 for the data connection.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

Trivial File Transfer Protocol is also used to transfer the files but it transfers the files without authentication. Unlike FTP, TFTP does not separate control and data information. Since there is no authentication exists, TFTP lacks in security features therefore it is not recommended to use TFTP.

Key points

TFTP makes use of UDP for data transport. Each TFTP message is carried in separate UDP datagram.
The first two bytes of a TFTP message specify the type of message.
The TFTP session is initiated when a TFTP client sends a request to upload or download a file.
The request is sent from an ephemeral UDP port to the UDP port 69 of an TFTP server.

Telnet is a protocol used to log in to remote computer on the internet. There are a number of Telnet clients having user friendly user interface.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is a communication protocol. It defines mechanism for communication between browser and the web server. It is also called request and response protocol because the communication between browser and server takes place in request and response pairs.

HTTP Request

HTTP request comprises of lines which contains:

Request line
Header Fields
Message body
Key Points

The first line i.e. the Request linespecifies the request method i.e.Get or
The second line specifies the header which indicates the domain name of the server from where index.htm is retrieved.
HTTP Response

Like HTTP request, HTTP response also has certain structure. HTTP response contains:

Status line
Message body

Uses Of Internet


Internet is the network of computer. It consists of thousands of connected computers with cables, telephone lines and satellites. It is the moat popular and worldwide used media of getting information. It is used by millions of people throughout the world.

Uses of Internet:

World Wide Web

It consists of websites and web pages. It is a collection of information. These documents represent text, images, pictures, sounds. These documents represent also audio, video programs and interactive environment.

Electronic mail (e-mail)

It is the moat popular feature on the Internet. It is used to exchange the text messages, pictures and computer files over Internet. One can send and receive mails around the world. It is widely used in all over world. It is mainly use for business purpose. People in organization exchange information through mail. Also it includes exchange of data in zip format. It is most secure way to transmit data or information in the world.


The Internet offers many different forms of entertainment such as radio broadcasting, video clips, music, and pictures and Interactive games. People invest lots of time here. We can easily download the movies, games. Also online games are too available. We can also download music or listen online too.


The Internet provides the information from different walks of life newspaper, magazines, academic papers, dictionaries, encyclopedia, travel guides. The Internet provides information also on government documents, job requirements, and airline and railway schedules.


The Internet allows us to exchange instant message with another person or a group of people at a time on the Net. This is use for both personal and professional. It is also most common practice. Many chats application is provided like what sup, hike, etc. which are based on internet means internet service is essential for it.

Online shopping

We can order and services through the Internet. We can purchase books, clothes, computers program, flowers, CDs and cars etc. through the Internet.

Voice and video conferencing

It enables two or more people to converse face to face by sharing a whiteboard and other applications. It decreases people distance. People can connect to their loved one through this. Also it is useful for business as many business meeting is using this form.

World Wide Web


WWW stands for World Wide Web. A technical definition of the World Wide Web is: all the resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

A broader definition comes from the organization that Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee helped found, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge.

In simple terms, The World Wide Web is a way of exchanging information between computers on the Internet, tying them together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia resources.


WWW works on client- server approach. Following steps explains how the web works:

User enters the URL (say, of the web page in the address bar of web browser.
Then browser requests the Domain Name Server for the IP address corresponding to
After receiving IP address, browser sends the request for web page to the web server using HTTP protocol which specifies the way the browser and web server communicates.

Then web server receives request using HTTP protocol and checks its search for the requested web page. If found it returns it back to the web browser and close the HTTP connection.
Now the web browser receives the web page, it interprets it and displays the contents of web page in web browser’s window.

There had been a rapid development in field of web. It has its impact in almost every area such as education, research, technology, commerce, marketing etc. So the future of web is almost unpredictable.

Apart from huge development in field of WWW, there are also some technical issues that W3 consortium has to come up with.

User Interface

Work on higher quality presentation of 3-D information is under development. The W3 Consortium is also looking forward to enhance the web to full fill requirements of global communities which would include all regional languages and writing systems.


Work on privacy and security is under way. This would include hiding information, accounting, access control, and integrity and risk management.


There has been huge growth in field of web which may lead to overload the internet and degrade its performance. Hence better protocol is required to be developed.

Windows Explorer


Windows Explorer is the file management application in Windows. Windows Explorer can be used to navigate your hard drive and display the contents of the folders and subfolders you use to organize your files on your hard drive. You may already have some shortcuts on your desktop that point to locations on your hard drive you will frequently use with Windows Explorer, such as My Computer and My Documents.

The Windows Explorer interface has several parts to it:

The Title Bar: shows you the folder you are currently in. You can also set the title bar to display the full path to your folder (choose Tools, Folder Options, View and then check the box next to Display the full path in the title bar).

The path tells you the drives, folders and subfolders you would have to open to get to this folder, beginning with the root of the drive. For example, the path to your My Documents folder might be C:\Documents and Settings\your username\My Documents.

The Menu Bar: this area of the interface includes the menu options you will use while working with your files and folders. One of the menus you will use the most is the View menu. You can use the options listed under this menu option to change how the contents of your folders are displayed in the main Explorer window.

You can display thumbnails (useful if your folder contains a lot of pictures), icons (which are listed from left to right), a list (which contains smaller icons displayed in columns from top to bottom), and details (which displays columns with additional information about each file or folder such as the time it was last modified and its size). You can also use the Arrange Icons by option to change the way your files and folders are sorted in the main Explorer Window.

The Standard Toolbar: contains buttons that duplicate many of the tasks you can perform using the options in the Menu Bar. For example, you can click on the Views button to change the display in the main Explorer window.

The Address Bar: like the Title Bar, the Address Bar can be set to display the full path to a folder (Tools, Folder Options, View and then check the box next to Display the full path in the address bar). You can enter the path to a folder or subfolder in the Address Bar and Explorer will open it for you in the main Window.

The Status Bar: the bottom portion of the Explorer window displays information about the folder you have open, such as the number of objects (the number of files and subfolders in that folder) and the size.

The main Explorer window is divided into two panes. The contents of your folders are displayed on the right. By default, the pane on the left displays a list of common tasks you might want to perform when you open a folder, such as moving, renaming, and copying. You can also set this pane to display a hierarchical list of the folders on your hard drive. You can do this by clicking on the Folders button in the Standard Toolbar or by selecting View, Explorer Bar, and Folders.

Any folders that have a plus sign next to them have subfolders in them. To view the subfolders, just click on the plus sign and the folder will expand to reveal the subfolders below the folder’s name. The plus sign then turns to a minus sign to allow you to collapse the contents of the folder.

When you select a folder, its contents are displayed on the right pane.

You can then use drag and drop to move and copy files on your hard drive. You can drag files or folders from one location to another to move them, while holding down the Control key when dragging copies the files or folders.

You can select multiple files or folders using two handy keyboard shortcuts. To select several contiguous files, select the first file then hold down the Shift key and select the last file. All the files in between will be selected so you can copy or move them. To select several non-contiguous files, hold down the Control key while you select each file or folder.

There are the following three ways by which you can get your files or folders:

Computer(on the desktop)
Start menu
Windows explorer
Windows Explorer contains a list of all the files and folders placed in your computer.

To run windows Explorer:

Click on Start button.
Choose All Programs.
Choose Accessories.
Click on Windows Explorer.
The window explorer consists of two panes. The left pane displays a list of disks and folders, and the right pane displays the contents of the selected folder or drive.

The folder list on the left display icons for all the disks and folders on your system. To display the folder on a disk or the subfolder inside another folder click on the plus (+) sign, next to the disk’s or folder’s icon.

The folder list expands displaying the folder on the disk or subfolder in the selected folder. To display the contents of a folder, click on its name.

When you click on a folder, the folder on a disk or the subfolder in a folder, click on the minus (-) sign, next to the drive’s or folder’s icon.

As you move further through, the back button becomes active. Click on the back button to go back to the previous display.

When you press the back button, the forward button becomes active. Click on the forward button to move ahead to the next display.

To quickly change to different disk or folder, open the address drop-down list and select the desired disk or folder.

Note: All the entire contents of the file will be highlighted by right clicking on the document and then clicking on select All.

Function Keys in Computer

Function key shortcuts
Each function key has its certain function.


 Always used as the help key, almost every program will open the help screen when this key is pressed.
Displa edit mode.edit mode text can be typed on the whole screen.
Enter CMOS Setup.
Windows Key + F1 would open the Microsoft Windows help and support center.
Open the Task Pane.

In Windows renames a highlighted icon, file or folder
in all versions of Windows.
Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens document window in Microsoft Word.
Ctrl + F2 display the print preview window in Microsoft Word.
Quickly rename a selected file or folder.
Enter CMOS Setup.


opens a search feature for many programs .
Turns the whole screen in the text mode.
In MS-DOS or Windows command line F3 will repeat the last command.
Shift + F3 will change the text in Microsoft Word from upper to lower case or a capital letter at the beginning of every word.
Windows Key + F3 opens the Advanced find window in Microsoft Outlook.
Open Mission Control on an Apple computer running Mac OS X.


Open find window in Windows 95 to XP.
Turns the entire screen into graphic mode.
Open the address bar in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer.
Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
Alt + F4 will close the program window currently active in Microsoft Windows.
Ctrl + F4 will close the open window within the current active window in Microsoft Windows.


In all modern Internet browsers pressing F5 will refresh or reload the page or document window.
Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.
Repeats the insertion of the last command use.
Starts a slideshow in PowerPoint.


Move the cursor to the Address bar in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and most other Internet browsers.
It clear the written text in ext screen.It display a message to confirm whether the text is to be cleared or not.
Ctrl + Shift + F6 open to another open Microsoft Word document.


Commonly used to spell check and grammar check a document in Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.
Used to load the existing picture file with the extension .PIC.
Shift + F7 runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted.
Turns on Caret browsing in Mozilla Firefox.


Save the opened file with the specified file name and extension .PIC.
Function key used to enter the Windows startup menu, commonly used to access Windows Safe Mode.

Opens the Measurements toolbar in Quark 5.0.

Load the existing file with specified name.

With Mac OS 10.3 or later shows all open Windows


Using the Fn key and F9 at the same time will open Mission Control on an Apple computer running Mac OS X.


In Microsoft Windows activates the menu bar of an open application.
Shift + F10 are the same as right-clicking on a highlighted icon, file, or Internet link.
Access the hidden recovery partition on HP and Sony computers.
Used to save the opened file with the specified file name by adding an extension .LGO automatically to the file name.
Enter CMOS Setup.
With Mac OS 10.3 or later shows all open Windows for active program.


Full-screen mode in all modern Internet browsers.
Ctrl + F11 as computer is starting to access the hidden recovery partition on many Dell computers.
Access the hidden recovery partition on eMachines, Gateway, and Lenovo computers.
With Mac OS 10.4 or later hides all open windows and shows the Desktop.


Open the Save as window in Microsoft Word.
Shift + F12 save the Microsoft Word document.
Ctrl + Shift + F12 print a document in Microsoft Word.
Preview a page in Microsoft Expression Web
Open Firebug.
With an Apple running Mac OS 10.4 or later F12 will show or hides the Dashboard

User Account in OS

User Account

A user account is a collection of information that tells windows which files and folders you can access, what changes you can make to your computer and your personal preferences, such as your destroy background or screen saver.

User accounts let you share a computer with several people while having your own files and settings. Each person accesses his or her account with a user name and password.

There are three types of accounts. Each type gives users a different level of control over the computer:

Standard Accounts are for everyday computing.
Administrator Accounts provide the most control over a computer and should only be used when necessary.
Guest Accounts are intended primarily for people who need temporary use of a computer.
Opening user Account

Step 1: click on the start button.

Step 2: click on control panel. The control panel window appears.

Step 3: click on Add or remove user Accounts. Manage Accounts window appears.

Step 4: An administrator’s account is created when you install windows. Another account called Guest Account is also created. But this account is turned off. Guest account has limited Permissions.

Creating A user Account

Step 1: click on create A new Account in the manage accounts window.

Create new account window appears.

Step 2: Type the name for the new account.

Step 3: Now select the account type from the following options:

Standard user
Step 4: Click on create Account.

Your new account appears in the Manage Accounts Window.

Changing the account name

You can change your account name in windows. To change the account name, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: open the Manage Accounts Window.

Step 2: click on the account.

Step 3: change an account window appears.

Click on change the account Name.

Step 4: Rename Account window appears.

Type a new name for the account.

Step 5: click on Change Name.

Changing the account picture

Windows allows you to change the pictures of your user account. To change the account pictures, follow the steps:

Step 1: open the manage accounts window.

Step 2: select the account.

Step 3: The change an account window appears.

Click on change the picture

Step 4: The choose window appears.

Click on the pictures young want to use for your user account.

Step 5: click on change picture.

Adding a Password

Windows allow you to add a password to your user account to protect it. Each time you open your account, windows will ask you to enter the password. To add a password to your account,

Follow the steps given below:

Step 1: open the manage accounts windows from the control panel.

Step 2: select the user account to which you want to assign the password.

User accounts window appears.

Step 3: click on change he password. Create your password window appears.

Step 4: Type a password.

Step 5: Now re-type the password.

Step 6: You can create a password hint so that you don’t forget the password.

Type a hint.

Step 7: click on create password.

Switching between user Accounts

Window allows you to switch between accounts .To switch between accounts, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: click on the start button.

Step 2: click on drop down arrow beside the shutdown button.

Step 3: click on Switch User. The welcome screen appears.

Step 4: select the user account name to which you want to switch.

Step 5: If the account is protected by a password, enter the password and click on GO.

Deleting a user account

You can easily delete a user account in windows. To delete a user account, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: open the manage accounts window from the control panel.

Step 2: select the user account you want to delete.

Change an account window appears.

Step 3: click on delete the account. Delete account window appears.

Step 4: click on anyone:

Delete files to delete all the files.
Keep files to keep users personal files. Confirm Deletion Windows appears.
Step 5: Click on Delete Account.

Operating System

Operating system (OS)

OS is the important component of the computer system. It sets the standards for the application programs that run in it. All programs must be written to “talk to” the OS. It controls the flow of signals from the CPU to various parts of the computer. It runs the computer acts as a scheduler.

It is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

Characteristics of OS:

Processor management

The process is basically a program in execution. In simple case, a single process may be associated with a single user’s job. A processor is a hardware device which is capable of executing a sequence of instructions.

Memory management

It plays an important role in operating system. In a single contiguous allocation, the OS usually resides in either the upper or the lower part of the core memory. When a job is assigned for its execution, first it is taken up by the core memory, although it typically uses only a small fraction of time. CPU takes complete control over the job until it is fully executed.

Device management

One of the important features of OS is device management that includes peripheral magnetic disks etc. in such management OS has to control the speed of I/O devices either in data representation or its proper execution. So it may be used in most efficient manner and only it is possible by the supervision of OS.

Information Management

It is the last important features of the OS. A computer stores information in the form of files. The OS provides the convenient ways for storing and accessing the information from files.

How To Solve Common Hardware Problems in Computer

How To Solve Common Hardware Problems in Computer

Mouse and keyboard problems:

Sometimes when the mouse stops working or keyboard doesn’t respond then we start panic. But sometime due to silly mistake it doesn’t respond.

Try to check loose connection and then restart the computer after closing all open application. If these steps does not work then you should call for technical assistance.

Monitor problems:

Check whether monitor is ON or not.
Check the connection of monitor to the CPU.
Press any key or move the mouse because may be the monitor has gone into power save mode.
If none of the above options works then call for technical assistance.
Sound problems:
Check for power connection to the speakers, speakers cable connection to the pc.
Check the volume option on the taskbar. May be the volume has been set to mute or set at zero level.
CD/DVD problems:

Ensure that purport a location software is used to run the type CD/DVD cannot be playback on any application software. It can be opened only in my computer.
Eject the cd/did from the driver and clean it with soft and clean cloth.
If there are any scratches on the cd/did you may have to replace it.
If none of the above options work then call to technical supports.
Printer problem:

Check the printer is plugged-in, turned on and properly connected to the computer.
Check the papers. Ay be the paper sues not has enough papers to print the web.
When computer is not turning on:

Check for the proper connection of UPS to CPU for power supply.
Check for the proper connection for monitor power supply and also check, heather the monitor is switched ON or not.
Also Check other electronic devices whether they are working or not. If they are not you could have a genera; power failure or a blown fuse.
If none of the above helps, unplug the computer and plug any other electronic device at the power source. If the other device is working, it may be that the computer power cable needs replacement.
Still if not working then call technical help.

Uses of Computer

Uses of Computer



Desktop computers are widely used at homes. These computers are used for different purposes like education, entertainment, budgeting, financial management, business communications, web access and even shopping from home.


You can operate your business in a better way by computerizing your office. With the help of

Internet we can get much useful business information and can display his product on website.


Movies, games, songs are played with the help of a computer. Now all entertainment source computers like video game watch movie online or offline and many more ways.


A large business can have hundreds or thousands of employees working in one organization or its branches in a country. To get connected to each other in-house and out-house, we use

Technology of networking that connects all the branches of the company. One can send message and information within seconds from one place to anywhere in the world with the help of internet


Power users include engineers, Architects, desktop publishers and graphics designers which require powerful computers to make their job attractive, easy to understand and globally viewed. Thus, computers having high speed, multimedia capabilities and high storage capacities are useful for power users.


Hotels use computer to maintain detail of guests. All transactions, like vroom rent, laundry bill, or any other are maintained in a computerized manner in the guest account.


With the help of computers, the railway reservation system provides reservation of berths or seats for a journey. They can also manage their seats according to require like for older person customer can request for lower birth.


Banking is made easier with the help of computer. All details of customers account are fed into computer. The customer account are updated automatically, through 24 hour ATMs, one can withdraw money at any hour of the day.


The main function of computer is in the field of education. Computer education has been introduced in most of the schools. As the technology changing rapidly, computer education in School is essential. In school administration, computer helps in making results, maintaining students and teacher’s record, etc.


Computers have made it easier for doctors to diagnose diseases and prescribe appropriate treatment. Computer is changing trends in medicine and surgery and methods of diagnosing. The internet also provides vast information on treatment of different diseases.


Computers not only help in designing and making weapons but also control their function.


To communicate information across the globe, we use computers. Information can be either in text, pictures, sounds or videos graphics, which can be transferred electronically from one computer to another.

Characteristics Of Computer



Modern computer systems can process the data in a fraction of second to provide the desired results. Speed of different computer system is meaured in terms of mips million instructions per second. The speed of a microprocessor is measured in this unit.


Computers are widely used because of their exceptional reliability i.e. these machines are Capable of operating under adverse conditions for any time period producing consistent results.


Computers can price the data accurately. They are used in space research organizations like ISRO. IF you give correct instructions and program, a computer will never give wrong results. The computing principles known as garbage in garbage out (GIGO), refers to the accuracy of computer where output depends upon the accuracy of the users input.


Modern computer systems have big storage media. Using any of the available storage devices, the data can be transferred quickly from the storage unit into the memory, processed and then stored again back in to the storage unit for future use.


Today, computers can communicate with each other and share information. This is possible through communication mediums, such as moderms, telephone lines, satellite, etc. Which are used to connect each other. This connection of computer is known as networking. Today’s, Internet is a popular worldwide collection of network, that links millions of computer together globally.

Classifications of Computer


Computer has been classified under four main classes. These are:

1. Micro computer

2. Mini

3. Mainframe

4. Super

These categories have been distinguished according to the size, processing speed, capability and price of computer. Although with development in technology the distinction among these computers is becoming blurred. It is important to classify them, as it is sometimes useful to differentiate the key elements and architecture among them.

Micro computer

A microcomputer CPU is a microprocessor. This originated in the late 1970s. The first micro computer was built with 8 bit microprocessor chip. It was designed to be used by one person at a time. A pc is a micro computer designed for general purpose computations. It can perform various tasks. It has one input device, output device, memory and a cpu.


A mini computer is a fast but small and inexpensive computer with limited input/output capabilities. Mini computer provide facility for more storage and communication links between uers. They can support around 4000 connected users at a time. The first mini computer was developed by DEC(DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION , the largest producer of mini computer.

Mainframe computer

A mainframe computer is a big computer system that has the capability of supporting many powerful peripheral devices. Mainframe are usually operated in a custom-built environment, suited for big organizations to manage high volume application. They are used as central (host) computer in network system. Libraries of applications program developed in mainframe computer are much Larger than those of te micros and mini computer.

Super computer

A super computer is the fastest machine that has the largest memory as well as multi-processing techniques, where a number of processors are used to solve a problem.

It can process 64 billion instructions per second. It is generally used in complex scientific application like weather forecasting, Computation, remote sesing, image processing, bio-edical application, research and development areas. In india, we have sray xmp-14 mainframe super computer system present at the meteorological department. India has already developed a suoer computer named PARAM 10000.

Generations of computer

Generations of computer

Generation of computer refer to the development of computer in different phases.

Computer have been developed in five distinct phases:

First Generations(1944-1955)
These computers were very big and heavy with large number of internal circuits.they store small amount of information. ENIAC was the first electronic computer of first generation.

Some common characteristics:
Vaccum tubes were used.
Large in size and heavy in weight.
Slow speed of operation.
Limited computing facility.
Complex maintence system.

Second Generations(1956-1965)
These computer were faster,cheaper,smaller and less expensive.They had magnetic core and magnetic disk storage for memory.

Some common characteristics:
Transistors were used.
High speed and large memory availability.
Small size and less power consuming.
Low heat production.
High level programming languages were developed and used like FORTON,COBOL,ALGOL AND SNOBOL.

Third Generation(1966-1975)
This used ICs.ICs stands for small integrated circuit.These circuit were known as chips.These circuit consisted of transistors,registers and capacitors.These computer were smaller,faster and more reliable then earlier generations computers.

Some common characteristics:
Intergrated circuits were used.
Smaller in size,lesser weight,better performance and reliability.
High level programming languages were developed like FORTAN-IV,COBOL-68,BASIC AND LOGO
Higher speed of operations in nano seconds.
Online processing such as airline reservation system was used.

This generation computer used very large scale interated circuits(VLSICs).These circuit are known as microprocessors.These computer are smallest,cheapest,fastest.These computer are the most powerful with massive storage capacity.

Some common characteristics:
Mioprocessors are used.
Smallest and cheapest in price.
Very fast in speed and accuracy.
Mini,portable and super computers came under this generation.

FIFTH GENERATION(1985 onwards)
The fifth generation computer are based an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE(AI).These computers are still under development.Due to AI these computers will be intelligent to do work themselves.They will be intelligent to take decisions independently.

Some common characteristics:
Intelligent enough to do work themselves.
Self decision-making ability.
Able to understand uman language.



PRINTER is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfer information to paper.printer vary in size,speed,sophicated and cost.It is a output device.It generally connect through power plug-in.


Color: Color is important for users who need to print pages for presentations or maps and other pages where color is part of the information. Color printers can also be set to print only in black-and-white. some printers are more expensive to operate since they use two ink cartridges (one color and one black ink) that need to be replaced after a certain number of pages. Users who don’t have a specific need for color and who print a lot of pages will find a black-and-white printer cheaper to operate.

Resolution: Printer resolution is usually measured in dots per inch ( dpi ). Most inexpensive printers provide sufficient resolution for most purposes at 600 dpi.

Speed: The speed of the printer becomes important. Inexpensive printers print only about 3 to 6 sheets per minute. Color printing is slower. More expensive printers are much faster.

Memory: Most printers come with a small amount of memory (for example, 1 mb) that can be expanded by the user. Having more than the minimum amount of memory is helpful and faster when printing out pages with large images or tables with lines around them.

Printers Languages

Printers languages are commands from the computer to the printers to tell the printer how to format the document being printed. These commands manage font size, graphics, compression of data sent to the printer, color etc.


Postscript and Printer Control Language.

Postscript is a printer language that uses English phrases and programmatic constructions to describe the appearance of a printed page to the printers. It introduced new features such as outline font s and vector graphics . Printers now come from the factory with or can be loaded with Postscript support.

Postscript is not restricted to printers and It can be used with any device. Devices that creates an image using dots such as screen displays, slide recorders, and image setters.


If there are no lights or no display on the front of the printers. And if printer is not getting electricity or power. Then Check to make sure the power cord is plugged in .

ΓΌ The computer and the printer must be communicating before the printer will print. When you send a document to print, does a small printer appear on the Windows taskbar.

If the printers has paper in the paper tray, the paper may be jammed . Then Take the paper out of the paper tray. Also check to see that the top piece of paper is not crinkled or bent.



Scanner is a device that scans documents such as photographs and pages of text.It is a input device. Scanners have become an important part of the home office over the last few years. Scanner refer to the Computer peripheral device that converts a document, film, graphic, or photograph to a digital image, manipulable through an appropriate software.

The basic principle of a scanner is to analyze an image and process it in some way. Image and text capture allow you to save information to a file on your computer. You can then alter or enhance the image and also print it out or use it on your Web page . The purpose of greater scanning resolution is to create more pixels, to create a larger image size.


Using it can be a quick and efficient way to make a copy of a drivers license or pass port if you need that done.The cashier used a scanner on all of my grocery items so that they could input the price of the items a lot easier than entering them manually.And many more.

Using different interfaces you can connected computer to USB. Scanning process may include through software as well as hardware.


A scanner or optical scanner is a hardware input device for a computer. It allow a user to take a printed picture, drawing, or document and convert it into a digital file (either an image or a text file) so that it can stored, viewed, and edited on a computer. This is generally include usb, firewalls etc mode of connectivity.


Sheetfed scanner – scanner that scans paper by feeding paper into the scanner.

Handheld scanner – scanner that scans information by holding the scanner and dragging it over a page you want to scan.

Card scanner – scanner designed to scan business cards.

Software scanners:

A scanner may refer to any program that scans computer files for errors. It also scan problems like anti-virus program . scans the files on the computer for any computer viruses or other malware.

.When used with an optical character recognition (OCR) software, a scanner can convert printed, typewritten (and, with some devices, handwritten) text into a digital file that can be read by aword processor.


Flatbed scanners:It is also termed as desktop is the most commonly used scanners. The flatbed scanner bed is 8.5 inches wide, so a 1200 dpi CCD sensor is an array of (1200 dpi x 8.5 inches) = 10200 pixels in one horizontal line. A wide-angle optical lens focuses the 8.5 inch image width onto a much smaller CCD chip, using mirrors to fold the long optical path inside the scanner.

A typical flatbed CCD array is perhaps 72 mm wide, with 7×7 micron cells being popular today. Most flatbed choices are 600 or 1200 dpi now, and some are 2400 dpi. Flatbed scanner specifications are stated with two numbers, like 200×2400 dpi . Flatbeds also usually specify a maximum resolution, like perhaps 9600 dpi. A scanners scans one horizontal row of pixels at a time, moving that scan line down the page with a carriage motor. The smaller dpi number is the optical resolution of the CCD sensor cells.

Sheet-fed scanners :It is similar to flatbed scanners except the document is moved and the scan head is immobile. A sheet-fed scanner lookt like a small portable printer.

Handheld scanners : It use the same basic technology as a flatbed scannerS, but rely on the user to move them instead of a motorized belt. This type of scannerS typically does not provide good image quality. However, it can be useful for quickly capturing text.


It is used by the publishing industry to capture incredibly detailed images. They use a technology called a photomultiplier tube (PMT). In PMT, the document to be scanned is mounted on a glass cylinder. At the center of the cylinder is a sensor that splits light bounced from the document into three beams.