
Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Classifications of Computer


Computer has been classified under four main classes. These are:

1. Micro computer

2. Mini

3. Mainframe

4. Super

These categories have been distinguished according to the size, processing speed, capability and price of computer. Although with development in technology the distinction among these computers is becoming blurred. It is important to classify them, as it is sometimes useful to differentiate the key elements and architecture among them.

Micro computer

A microcomputer CPU is a microprocessor. This originated in the late 1970s. The first micro computer was built with 8 bit microprocessor chip. It was designed to be used by one person at a time. A pc is a micro computer designed for general purpose computations. It can perform various tasks. It has one input device, output device, memory and a cpu.


A mini computer is a fast but small and inexpensive computer with limited input/output capabilities. Mini computer provide facility for more storage and communication links between uers. They can support around 4000 connected users at a time. The first mini computer was developed by DEC(DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION , the largest producer of mini computer.

Mainframe computer

A mainframe computer is a big computer system that has the capability of supporting many powerful peripheral devices. Mainframe are usually operated in a custom-built environment, suited for big organizations to manage high volume application. They are used as central (host) computer in network system. Libraries of applications program developed in mainframe computer are much Larger than those of te micros and mini computer.

Super computer

A super computer is the fastest machine that has the largest memory as well as multi-processing techniques, where a number of processors are used to solve a problem.

It can process 64 billion instructions per second. It is generally used in complex scientific application like weather forecasting, Computation, remote sesing, image processing, bio-edical application, research and development areas. In india, we have sray xmp-14 mainframe super computer system present at the meteorological department. India has already developed a suoer computer named PARAM 10000.

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