This option provides the facility of checking the ms word spellings and rectifying the incorrect spellings of a document. To check spellings, you may follow the steps listed below:
1. Select text whose spellings are to be changes.
2. In proofing group on review tab, click on spelling and grammar option through mouse.
Microsoft word starts the action of checking spelling, and whenever it finds an incorrect word which does not match with the word in its dictionary, it shows the suggestions:
3. Along with the incorrect words, Microsoft word also shows some similar words in the suggestion box. Select the correct word from that list and click on change button by mouse.
If the correct spelling of the word is not shown in the list, you can change it by typing the correct word yourself.
If the word shown as incorrect is a name or any other word which does not appear in the dictionary but you believe it to be correct, then click on Ignore button to check the spelling of the rest of the document. After completing the sell check, a dialog box appears as shown below:
4. Now, click on button through mouse to terminate the operation of spell check.
Use of Thesaurus
Using Thesaurus, you can change a word with any of its synonyms. Thus, you can prevent repetition of a single word in a document and can add beauty to the language. The following procedure enables you to use Thesaurus:
I. Select the word which is to be changed by using Thesaurus.
II. In proofing group on Review tab, click on Thesaurus option through mouse.
III. On the screen, a list of all the words which can be used in place of the selected word is shown. Select any one word from this and click on Insert option through the mouse.
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